pg_dump executable is missing
Hi there
I'm trying to run dump with pg dump, but it says the executable is missing. Any idea?
Am using DataGrip 2017.3.7
Build #DB-173.4674.7, built on February 28, 2018
pg_dump is normally in your install dir. Something like C:\\PostgreSQL\pg96/binpg_dump.exe. You have to upgrade the field that says "Path to pg_dump". It had the red exclamation mark.
You also need to be sure postgresql has permissions to write to the target directory.
Hi Antonyo
Thanks for your quick response. I can't see the PostgreSOL folder suggested.
I have located the file after performing a search. Thanks for you help.
I pointed all directories as requested, but still getting this error. Any ideas?
Changed but still..
@Alibega Since you want to invoke restore action you need specify path to pg_restore.exe. What I see on your screenshot is path to pg_dump.exe.
What if postgre is running inside docker?
Then you need to download PostgreSQL binaries in zip archive, unpack it and find utilities in ...\bin folder.
The same question but my PostgreSQL is in docker
So I installed the docker plugin successfully.
Then ? to fill in the Datagrip form Path to pg_dump
>Then ? to fill in the Datagrip form Path to pg_dump
In case you want to use pg_dump in DataGrip you have to install it locally on your machine.