Pycharm debugger doesn't stop at any breakpoint


I setup a tox project in my pycharm, but it never stop at any breakpoints during debugging. The command it generates at the beginning of the debugging process is 

C:\Python27\python.exe "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3\helpers\pydev\" --multiproc --qt-support=auto --client --port 62895 --file "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3\helpers\pycharm\"
pydev debugger: process 6628 is connecting


I'm running a luigi pipeline project in windows, pycharm version is 2017.3 community version. I have already restarted pycharm a couple of times. 

Appreciate if anyone can advise. 

Permanently deleted user

We had a similar issue, turning off gevent compatible solved it.


Permanently deleted user

I have the same issue on 2019.2. Pycharm stop at breakpoint in the start file but any breakpoints in my package modules are ignored. I do not change any default settings of debugger

Permanently deleted user

For anyone having the same problem, it works again if I rollback to 2019.1.3


Solved for me after disabling Coverage from pytests

Permanently deleted user

MacOS High Sierra (10.13.6)
Pycharm v2019.1.3.

I had the same issue, IDE suddenly stopped stopping at breakpoints.

Simply setting the working directory under run configurations made it to work again.

Permanently deleted user

I have the same problem as Solozhentsev after I upgraded to 2019.2 recently. Please help!


My problem is a bit different, the debugger seems to stop at all breakpoints within the main module, but skips all breakpoints in any other module. I have the exact same project with identical settings on my laptop which has Pycharm 2019.1.4 and it doesn't skip any breakpoints.

I have the logs and console output from running it with `PYCHARM_DEBUG=True`, but I don't know if this warrants a separate ticket. I've never filed a ticket before, so I'm not sure what I should write if I do need to submit it.

Permanently deleted user

Yes, definitely seems to be a new issue introduced in 2019.2


What do you mean by 'disabling Coverage from pytests'? I'm not using coverage, I'm just using the pycharm debugger.

Permanently deleted user

PyCharm 2019.2 (Professional Edition)
Build #PY-192.5728.105, built on July 23, 2019
Runtime version: 11.0.3+12-b304.10 x86_64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS 10.14.6

also same issue

but disabling "gevent compatible" works for me

Permanently deleted user

Have the same problem. A workaround I've found it's with the print function. For some reason, only breackpoints in print statements work


In my case, I deleted the config folder and .idea in the work folder. After then breakpoints works fine.


As Pedrohrfp suggested disabling coverage helped in my case. I did it passing '--no-cov' as 'additional argument' in pytest run/debug configuration. I'm using IntelliJ IDEA not PyCharm though.



Could you please share idea.log ("Help | Show Log in...") after reproducing the issue? You could use any online service or our FTP:

Permanently deleted user

Hi Yaroslav, 

Thanks for responding. I have uploaded the file into your site using The file name is "idea - guoming - 20180308.log". 



Could you please set environment variable PYCHARM_DEBUG=True (you can do it in Run configuration) and provide us a console output?

Permanently deleted user


Here is the logs. Note that I have masked information that's specific to our project.


Testing started at 9:31 AM ...
C:\Python27\python.exe "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3\helpers\pydev\" --multiproc --qt-support=auto --client --port 49717 --file "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3\helpers\pycharm\"
Using Cython speedups
Executing file C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3\helpers\pycharm\
arguments: ['C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3\\helpers\\pycharm\\']

Started in multiproc mode

('Connecting to ', '', ':', '49717')
Connected to pydev debugger (build 173.3727.137)
debugger: received >>99 -1 49718
Received command: ??? 99 -1 49718

Received port 49718

pydev debugger: process 17284 is connecting

('Connecting to ', '', ':', '49718')
debugger: received >>501 1 0.1 WIN
Received command: CMD_VERSION 501 1 0.1 WIN

sending cmd --> CMD_VERSION 501 1 @@BUILD_NUMBER@@
debugger: received >>111 3 python-line c:/****.py 91 source_object THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 3 python-line c:/****.py 91 source_object THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:91 - func_name:source_object

debugger: received >>111 7 python-line c:/****.py 212 filename THREAD None None
111 5 python-line c:/****.py 32 None THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 7 python-line c:/****.py 212 filename THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:212 - func_name:filename

Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 5 python-line c:/****.py 32 None THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:32 - func_name:None

debugger: received >>111 9 python-line c:/****.py 9 None THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 9 python-line c:/****.py 9 None THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:9 - func_name:None

debugger: received >>111 11 python-line c:/****.py 68 run THREAD None None
111 13 python-line c:/****.py 71 run THREAD None None
101 15
111 17 python-line c:/****.py 36 None THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 11 python-line c:/****.py 68 run THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:68 - func_name:run

Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 13 python-line c:/****.py 71 run THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:71 - func_name:run

Received command: CMD_RUN 101 15

Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 17 python-line c:/****.py 36 None THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:36 - func_name:None

debugger: received >>111 19 python-line c:/****.py 170 target_table THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 19 python-line c:/****.py 170 target_table THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:170 - func_name:target_table


Show return values: False


Patching args: ['C:\\Python27\\python.exe']
New args: C:\Python27\python.exe
sending cmd --> CMD_PROCESS_CREATED 149 2 <process/>
Patching args: ['C:\\****\\.tox\\env\\Scripts\\python.EXE', '-c', 'import sys; print(sys.executable);print(list(sys.version_info)); print(sys.version)']
('Connecting to ', '', ':', '49717')
debugger: received >>99 -1 49725
Received command: ??? 99 -1 49725

New args: C:\****\.tox\env\Scripts\python.EXE -c "import sys; sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3\helpers\pydev'); import pydevd; pydevd.settrace(host='', port=49725, suspend=False, trace_only_current_thread=False, patch_multiprocessing=True); from pydevd import SetupHolder; SetupHolder.setup = {'DEBUG_TRACE_LEVEL': 3, 'multiproc': True, 'save-asyncio': False, 'vm_type': None, 'save-threading': False, 'save-signatures': False, 'DEBUG_TRACE_BREAKPOINTS': 1, 'multiprocess': False, 'module': False, 'server': False, 'client': '', 'file': 'C:\\Program Files\\JetBrains\\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.3\\helpers\\pycharm\\', 'DEBUG_RECORD_SOCKET_READS': True, 'cmd-line': False, 'print-in-debugger-startup': False, 'qt-support': 'auto', 'port': 49717}; import sys; print(sys.executable);print(list(sys.version_info)); print(sys.version)"
sending cmd --> CMD_PROCESS_CREATED 149 4 <process/>
debugger: received >>111 23 python-line c:/****.py 91 source_object THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 23 python-line c:/****.py 91 source_object THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:91 - func_name:source_object

debugger: received >>111 25 python-line c:/****.py 32 None THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 25 python-line c:/****.py 32 None THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:32 - func_name:None

debugger: received >>111 27 python-line c:/****.py 212 filename THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 27 python-line c:/****.py 212 filename THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:212 - func_name:filename

debugger: received >>111 29 python-line c:/****.py 71 run THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 29 python-line c:/****.py 71 run THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:71 - func_name:run

debugger: received >>111 31 python-line c:/****.py 36 None THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 31 python-line c:/****.py 36 None THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:36 - func_name:None

debugger: received >>111 33 python-line c:/****.py 68 run THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 33 python-line c:/****.py 68 run THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:68 - func_name:run

debugger: received >>111 35 python-line c:/****.py 170 target_table THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 35 python-line c:/****.py 170 target_table THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:170 - func_name:target_table

debugger: received >>146 37 SHOW_RETURN_VALUES 0

Show return values: False

debugger: received >>111 39 python-line c:/****.py 9 None THREAD None None
Received command: CMD_SET_BREAK 111 39 python-line c:/****.py 9 None THREAD None None

Added breakpoint:c:\****.py - line:9 - func_name:None

sending cmd --> CMD_PROCESS_CREATED 149 6 <process/>
dev installed: apiclient==1.0.3,argcomplete==1.9.3,asn1crypto==0.24.0,backports-abc==0.5,bcrypt==3.1.4,boto==2.48.0,boto3==1.5.24,botocore==1.8.38,cachetools==2.0.1,certifi==2018.1.18,cffi==1.11.4,chardet==3.0.4,crcmod==1.7,cryptography==2.1.4,docutils==0.14,enum34==1.1.6,funcsigs==1.0.2,futures==3.2.0,gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin==1.14,google-api-core==0.1.4,google-api-python-client==1.5.0,google-apitools==0.5.16,google-auth==1.3.0,google-cloud-bigquery==0.28.0,google-cloud-core==0.28.0,google-cloud-storage==1.7.0,google-resumable-media==0.3.1,googleapis-common-protos==1.5.3,gsutil==4.28,httplib2==0.10.3,idna==2.6,ipaddress==1.0.19,jmespath==0.9.3,lockfile==0.12.2,luigi==2.7.2,mock==2.0.0,mysql-connector-python==8.0.6,numpy==1.14.0,oauth2client==2.2.0,pandas==0.22.0,paramiko==2.4.0,pbr==3.1.1,pluggy==0.6.0,protobuf==3.5.1,psycopg2==,py==1.5.2,pyasn1==0.4.2,pyasn1-modules==0.2.1,pycparser==2.18,PyJWT==1.5.3,PyNaCl==1.2.1,pyodbc==4.0.22,pyOpenSSL==17.5.0,pysftp==0.2.9,python-daemon==2.1.2,python-dateutil==2.6.1,python-gflags==3.1.2,pytz==2017.3,requests==2.18.4,retry-decorator==1.1.0,rsa==3.4.2,s3transfer==0.1.12,Salesforce-FuelSDK==1.0.1,simple-salesforce==0.73.0,simplejson==3.13.2,singledispatch==,six==1.11.0,SocksiPy-branch==1.1,SQLAlchemy==1.2.4,suds-jurko==0.6,tornado==4.5.3,tox==2.9.1,tox-battery==0.5,uritemplate==0.6,urllib3==1.22,virtualenv==15.1.0
dev runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='358'
dev runtests: commands[0] | luigi --workers 4 --module framework.test_utils.development_testing DevelopmentTest
sending cmd --> CMD_PROCESS_CREATED 149 8 <process/>
DEBUG - Checking if DevelopmentTest(run_timestamp=2018-03-1209:31:18.633000) is complete
sending cmd --> CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103 10 <xml><thread name="Dummy-12" id="pid_17284_id_71317136" /></xml>
sending cmd --> CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103 12 <xml><thread name="Dummy-11" id="pid_17284_id_71317328" /></xml>
sending cmd --> CMD_THREAD_CREATE 103 14 <xml><thread name="MainThread" id="pid_17284_id_51442256" /></xml>
INFO - Informed scheduler that task DevelopmentTest_2018_03_1209_31__daa7be4c05 has status PENDING
INFO - Done scheduling tasks
INFO - Running Worker with 4 processes
DEBUG - Asking scheduler for work...
DEBUG - Pending tasks: 1
DEBUG - Asking scheduler for work...


Sorry for the delay.

We have similar issue under investigation: Please try provided workaround.

Permanently deleted user

Unfortunately this doesn't solve my problem. 


Please keep following issue on YouTrack for updates. We'll try to provide fix or workaround as soon as possible.

Permanently deleted user

I'm seeing this same issue (breakpoints not being triggered) running PyCharm 2018.2.

The debug session starts with

C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2018.1.2\bin\runnerw.exe" C:\Users\bfarrell\PycharmProjects\gen2portal\djangoportal\venv\Scripts\python.exe "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm 2018.1.2\helpers\pydev\" --multiproc --qt-support=auto --client --port 55098 --file C:/Users/bfarrell/PycharmProjects/gen2portal/djangoportal/ runserver localhost:8001

It's very frustrating as this worked fine before upgrading PyCharm.

Permanently deleted user

FYI I uploaded the idea.log as 

Permanently deleted user

Hi, i faced the same issues ,

i am using Mac OS 10.13.6 ,python 2.7.9 using Virtualenv and i noticed that after recent update to pycharm 2018.3 ,

some of my python modules cannot debug , pycharm itself can connect to the debugger on the same project ,but is strange in one of my folders which consist of many different python modules ,some how in that folder all the modules, when i set break point , it just wont triggered the debug . So I did a simple test ,after exhausting all web searches , i moved the effected modules to another folder which consists of other modules that has no problem in triggering the break points , 

BINGO , the break points works again , i not too sure what happened , but mean time , i use this method temporary as i have spent much time in finding solutions with no progress, i desperately need the debug function for my code . Hope this can give some insight for the pycharm developers to track what went wrong and come up some fixes for this . thanks. 


Hi Kalmenchia, more details are welcome, what was the original folder name? Could you please create a ticket in our bug tracker:

Permanently deleted user

for me it helped when I've set "Working directory" and "Path mappings" in "Run -> Edit Configurations"

Permanently deleted user

macOS 10.14.5

PyCharm v2019.1.3

I had the same issue too.

Permanently deleted user

Yes. Facing the same issue. Debug was working fine friday before mac update was run. I am using 2019.1.2 (Community Edition). I tried upgrading to 2019.1.3 but same issue continues.

Workaround - I deleted .idea folder and reconfigure all, breakpoins works again


I'm having the same problem, deleting the .idea folder doesn't seem to fix it for me.


I'm using 2019.2 build 192.5728.105

Python 3.6.5

Same Issue. Is there any work around? Tried setting Working Directory, but did'nt change anything.

Also deleted .idea, same.

