Ambibuous code block


I've started getting an "Ambiguous code block" error on some of my code. I'm using InteliJ 2018.2 Weirdly, if I change some white space, the error goes away! The problem appears to only be occurring in some of my catch blocks.

This shows no errors or warnings:

catch(ParseException pe) {
comment.datestamp = new Date();

Whereas this shows an Ambiguous code block error:

catch(ParseException pe)
comment.datestamp = new Date();

A very similar problem is also this code which InteliJ claims has the continue in an invalid place:

catch(Exception e)

But this is fine:

catch(Exception e) {

In both these examples, if the gap between the ")" and the "{" isn't exactly 1 space, InteliJ shows an (invalid) error.


Please try File | Invalidate Caches/Restart.. | Invalidate and Restart action.

If problem remains, would you please file an issue at with an isolated sample code to reproduce? Thanks in advance.


I tried that and the errors persist. I don't think I can reproduce this problem as I have the same code layout in many other files and they don't report the issues, so I'm not sure how helpful a bug report will be :(


Could you please file an issue to with IDE logs zipped and a sample code file (you can attach it privately) with the screenshots, describing the problem. Thanks.

Please also try if it is reproducible with 2018.2.1 EAP from

