WebStorm Operator Mono (Book)
I recently purchased a new font called Operator Mono for my WebStorm IDE. I followed the instructions and installed the fonts on my MacBook. I launched WebStorm and when to WebStorm > Preferences > Editor > Font and and selected Operator Mono and also checked "Enable font ligatures". WebStorm does use the Operator Mono font, but what I want it so use the Operator Mono Book Italic which is one of the Operator Mono fonts that was installed.
How do I select a sub font Operator Mono Book Italic through the IDE?
WebStorm uses regular font for regular style and italic- for italic. Unfortunately there is no way to choose the font weight (book, light, etc.), please vote for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-92825 and linked tickets
Thank's for responding.
I found a way around It and was able to get the font I wanted to work in JetBrains.
Hey Adan - mind sharing how you were able to get around it?
Hey Maurice Williams, you can follow this https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/205969604/comments/205075304