Editing default CMake settings



Often when I need to edit the settings for the CMake configuration in Settings/Build,Execution.../CMake I would like to be able to edit the default instead of creating a totally new entry.

Let's use the the CMake options, I may need to add a CMAKE parameter. The textbox displays the default CMAKE options value of -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug. When the textbox takes the focus, the textbox is cleared. I would prefer the textbox to keep the default value so I could add/modify it instead of having to retype everything before making changes.

 This applies for:

-CMake options

-Generation path

-Build options




Hi Mark-Andre


This is made intentionally. You can select the required build type in the CMake settings dialog. Or you could just add build type you want to CMake options list manually. Because CLion puts default definitions at the beginning of CMake command build type will be overwritten in this case.  

Please follow https://www.jetbrains.com/help/clion/working-with-cmake.html for additional information.


hi Maxim,

>This is made intentionally.

For what?

My test with the current CLion shows the options we type in this field are adding to default ones, not replacing them. If so, it's better to reorganize interface: default options for build type, compiler, etc. are displayed without editing, and custom ones have no such "fleeing default".


Hi Ncp, thanks for your comment. Could you please create a new feature request in our tracker https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/CPP so we could investigate what we can do for you.

