How do I update a dependency?

I have activated the dep integration but can't figure out how to update a dependency. I see no light bulbs in the code, don't see any relevant menu items when right clicking the folders in vendor, and find nothing in the preferences. Can the integration do it at all or is my local setup broken somehow?

If I  run `dep ensure -update path/to/dependency` in the terminal I do indeed get an update, but it would be great to have it at the click of a button inside GoLand.


Hello, Christofer. Currently, there is no way to invoke `dep ensure -update` from the IDE. I have created a ticket for it, please vote here:

> When editing `Gopkg.toml` you get asked if you want to run `dep ensure`, i.e. update all dependencies.

Are you sure this updates your dependencies (meaning, fetches newer versions of them)? As far as I understand, `dep ensure` doesn't fetch newer versions, this is what `dep ensure -update` is for.

Permanently deleted user

When editing `Gopkg.toml` you get asked if you want to run `dep ensure`, i.e. update all dependencies. Kind of a blunt way to get the job done, but at least something.

Permanently deleted user

Thank you!

Voted for the ticket just now.

