It seems that Unreal Engine generator produced CMakeLists.txt with paths in incorrect format. Please change "\" to "\\" or "/" and reload CMake project (Tools | CMake | Reset Cache and Reload Project) after that.
Please close CLion, delete the files and folders related to CLion (.idea folder, cmake-build-debug folder, CMakeLists.txt), in UE generate the CLion project once again, open CLion (not from UE, but directly), in CLion do File | Open and select the project folder (CMakeLists.txt should be located in it). Change "\" to "\\" or "/" in CMakeLists.txt if needed. Does it work?
Imrah, I watched the videos. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the issue on my side: I've installed UE 4.21 on my Windows machine, created a project, generated a CLion project, opened it in CLion, change "\" to "\\" (also tried changing to "/") and reloaded CMake project (Tools | CMake | Reset Cache and Reload Project). I didn't get the "Cannot find source file" error like you, the Cmake project was loaded without errors on my side. And, for example, here a user writes the following: "Did anyone try the new 4.20 version of UE4 with CLion ? I just did, the CMakeLists.txt was built successfully, excepted the fact that I needed to replace the \by \\ in file paths".
Please note that this situation doesn't look like CLion's issue. It's mostly about how UE generates CMakeLists.txt, so we can't fix anything from our side. Maybe updating UE can help. Also posting your problem on some UE forums or on might be useful.
Looks like your CMake project wasn't loafer correctly.
Do you have CLion specified as an editor in General | Source Code in Unreal Editor settings?
How have you generated the project? Have you done it using File | Refresh CLion Project in UE?
Yes i specified Source Code as CLion.
After specified Source Code on UE i generated project to File>Generated Clion Project

According to this screenshot
It seems that Unreal Engine generator produced CMakeLists.txt with paths in incorrect format. Please change "\" to "\\" or "/" and reload CMake project (Tools | CMake | Reset Cache and Reload Project) after that.
when i open clion project not open
Please close CLion, delete the files and folders related to CLion (.idea folder, cmake-build-debug folder, CMakeLists.txt), in UE generate the CLion project once again, open CLion (not from UE, but directly), in CLion do File | Open and select the project folder (CMakeLists.txt should be located in it). Change "\" to "\\" or "/" in CMakeLists.txt if needed. Does it work?
i made a video define all problem on it about 800 MB.Shear that video yesterday.
Imran, have you shared this video somewhere?
i do exact you tell now face this problem
No, i don't shear video anywhere about 20 minutes ago i create a video. and i want to shear video to you.
Please upload it to and share the file name here, so that I could find it.
OK i upload video yesterday.
This is two video specify all problem.
It seems the files were not loaded correctly - they have zero bytes size. Please upload them once again or upload the to come third-party source.
i can't find any solution yet.
upload this video 4days ago
Imrah, I watched the videos. Unfortunately, I can't reproduce the issue on my side: I've installed UE 4.21 on my Windows machine, created a project, generated a CLion project, opened it in CLion, change "\" to "\\" (also tried changing to "/") and reloaded CMake project (Tools | CMake | Reset Cache and Reload Project). I didn't get the "Cannot find source file" error like you, the Cmake project was loaded without errors on my side. And, for example, here a user writes the following: "Did anyone try the new 4.20 version of UE4 with CLion ? I just did, the
was built successfully, excepted the fact that I needed to replace the\
in file paths".Please note that this situation doesn't look like CLion's issue. It's mostly about how UE generates CMakeLists.txt, so we can't fix anything from our side. Maybe updating UE can help. Also posting your problem on some UE forums or on might be useful.
Just in case, here is our blog post about UE and CLion which describes some known issues:
ok then i use visual studio with ReSharper C++ cause i try and try it's not fix.