Build process hangs at Running script '[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock'


I'm using AppCode for a project with CocoaPods. Up until version 2018.2.6 I could compile and build my project fine, although it would often fail with just `Build failed` and I would have to clean the build folder to continue. After updating my AppCode to version 2018.3 (and now 2018.3.1), I can no longer build my project - the build gets stuck at `Information:Running script '[CP] Check Pods Manifest.lock'`. Same thing when I try building one of the test targets. When the build fails AppCode is still responsive, but if I try to cancel the build it stays on "Stopping - Compiling" and I'm not able to start another build after that point - I have to restart the application.

My Xcode version is now 10.1, but I had the same behaviour with Xcode 10.

Permanently deleted user


Could you please contact our support (, providing build log from AppCode (Messages tool window | Show Build Log) and Xcode after building the same target.
