Extract all commits from VCS
Is there a simple Utility method for extracting all current Commits from VCS? Specifically I'm interested in GIT.
I think I find something bout, in the end when I'm getting a hold of a
and call `getChanges` all the time is returning an empty array.
Appreciate any help,
Thank you.
You can use one of the methods in `git4idea.history.GitHistoryUtils`.
See https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360001208300-Get-a-list-of-commits-in-project
How do you get these VcsFullCommitDetails? Likely, these are `com.intellij.vcs.log.data.LoadingDetails` placeholders for not-yet-loaded commits in VCS Log.
Thank you very much Aleksey, I must've used the wrong search words since I didn't find the post you indicated. Appreciate your time. Regards.