Intents declared in intentdefinition (for Siri Shortcuts) are not found by AppCode


When you develop Siri Shortcut intents (and possibly other intents), you create an "intent extension" with an "intent definition" file. In there you define actions and commands, and from that file there are generated classes for the "actions". These classes can be found without any problem in XCode, but in Appcode it says "class not found". 

If i have built the project in xcode, appcode starts prompting to import the class (although i of course already have "import CheckoutIntent.h"), but the class is the file generated by the build process which resides in  /Library/Caches/Appcode/DerivedData/......", and the import row is really weird (i have xxxx'ed out names):

#import "../../../Users/xxxxx/Caches/AppCode2018.3/DerivedDataxxxxx-hbvequuinwqzwrdpvkqeyxpzzovm/Build/Intermediates.noindex/xxxxxx/Debug-iphoneos/xxxxx/DerivedSources/IntentDefinitionGenerated/siri/CheckoutIntent.h"

Is there something to do about this?

Permanently deleted user

Hi Mathias,

We are working on the issue, please watch OC-17978 
