Disable Module-Group view in Project view


I have a very big structure of maven project around 300 poms. Somehow I enable the formation of module groups while importing the project. Now I have a kind one extra folder on every folder in my project. This has kind of made navigation pretty tough for me. Is there any way I just say I don't want to view my Projects in a module group way. I want to view it just directly in folder structure way as it is displayed by default. 



Could you please attach screenshot showing your project tree and screenshot from "File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Maven | Importing"?


Here are the screenshots

import with "Create module group for multi-module Maven projects" option unchecked


Importing with "Create module group for multi-module Maven projects" option checked (marked extra folders).


Is there are a direct way to switch the view without extra folders.

Note: This is just a sample small project. I am currently working on a very big project ~300 poms and in that case, there were lots of extra folder due to grouping and that too very complex structure of groups folders as original maven project structure is somewhat complex (nested pom projects)

1 hint: I guess this problem is happening when steps are being performed in the following fashion.

1. Import project with "Create module group for multi-module Maven projects" option unchecked.

2. Then import existing module (multi-maven project) and this time check the option "Create module group for multi-module Maven projects". Now, this module group folders appears in the new module also as well as the existing module also. Honestly, this view is quite frustrating and performance of IntelliJ really degrades in this view. As soon as I click anywhere in this project view complete IDE hangs - Version 2018.3




Why don't you keep "Create module group for multi-module Maven projects" option disabled?


I am looking for a solution to this. I have the same problem. In the project tree, I see three nodes: "myProject", "myProject C:\pathToMyProject", and "External Libraries". I don't want to see the first one because it's redundant and unnecessary.



The option to "Create module groups for multi-module Maven projects" was removed from our IDEs starting with version 2023.3. In recent versions, you can group modules by fully-qualified names.

To better understand the problem you are facing, I would kindly ask you to attach:

  1. A screenshot of the current Project View tree with module names visible
  2. A screenshot of the File | Project Structure | Modules dialog with all groups expanded

Arina Efremova 

This is the Project View collapsed. I would like to hide the node I marked with the red arrow.

This module group disturbs me

I should perhaps explain that this project uses things from a third-party provider that I don't necessarily understand. Previously it worked with gradle 4.something and I only saw the second node (following picture). So no Module Group.
It was then updated to gradle 7.x with Kotlin and then intelliJ could also be updated.
And since then I see these redundant nodes.


Thank you Fchastagnol.

Does it help if you enable the option to flatten modules in Project View settings?


Arina Efremova Thank you for your answer.

No, unfortunately it doesn't really help. Because I can then see all the modules. It's a bit better, but I don't need to see all the modules because I have them in the hierarchy (from the parent module ‘niagara’) and I'm just used to working this way.


@Fchastagnol Hi, can you please share `.idea/modules.xml` from this project root, upload it to https://uploads.jetbrains.com/, and share the upload id for investigating your issue?


Lejia Chen Upload id: 2024_12_20_24RFXzDBbX8BwR2Ssabe1t (file: modules.xml)

Your modules.xml looks fine. Would it be possible to share a sample of your project for checking? (for example, you could remove all source code related files and sensitive info in this project, zip it, and share it)

Or as a workaround, you could try to click the IDE main menu `File | Close Projects` to go back to the welcome screen, open this project project root in the file explorer, rename `.idea` to `.idea_backup` or move it into another folder, then click `Open` in IDEA's welcome screen to open the `C:\Work\niagara` folder directly.
Then use `File | New | Modules from Existing Sources` to add all needed sub folders as module.
