2019 EAP Font change?
I installed the 2019.1 EAP and the font looks quite different even if I imported the settings from 2018.3.4
What is the setting that changes this?
I had the same issue (UBUNTU 16.04), tried to change JDK, no success.
Jan, could you please post the full information about the two builds that you are comparing, including the used JRE versions? You can find this information in AppCode -> About AppCode menu.
thanks for looking into this
Thanks. This is strange, both builds render text exactly the same for me. Could you please check if the settings in Preferences -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance are the same?
Yes they are. I tried exporting all settings from 2018.3.4 and importing them into 2019.1 EAP but it's the same difference. I'll try completely removing all settings on both and see if that change anything. I'll let you know
Jan, I've found an issue on our tracker. Indeed, there have been some changes in 2019.1 that resulted in a different antialiasing rendering. Please vote for this issue: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JRE-1174
great, thanks for finding this and letting me know. I’m following the ticket so this post is resolved 👍