Copy all text from find using regex option Permanently deleted user 创建于 2019年02月26日 17:50 Is there a way to copy all the matches found using Find and regex option and paste just that text to another file?
Ok, another try then (this time using Find): you can select all found occurrences using Select All Occurrences button (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+J in <default> keymap) and then hit Ctrl+C
Bingo!!!!. Thanks for your help
This is nice, but could I also select only the contents of the N-th regex capturing group?
Possible with Find in Path using Export to text file button:
it produces a report like this:
Occurrences of '"([^"]+)":' in Current File with mask '*.json'
Found Occurrences (6 usages found)
(6 usages found)
a.json (6 usages found)
2 "тест": 123,
3 "year": 2018,
4 "month": 9,
5 "day": 24,
6 "startHours": 6,
7 "startMinutes": 0
Or, you can select all occurrences in Find tool window and hit Ctrl+C
Thank you for looking, but that's not what I am looking for.
When I use your suggestion, I get the entire line in the file. I would then have to remove the unwanted text, make sure there is only 1 per per line.
But thanks for your help.
As an example, this is a snippet of the report and what I would still need to filter out if I use this regex pattern \{\{.*\}\}