Sphinx Database Connection
Hi Guys, I'm trying to connect to a local Sphinx Search instance using their mySQL support, but PHPStorm connects, but any SQL query fails with an error: only 0 and 1 could be used as boolean values near '502'
This doesn't match anything in the query (SELECT * from rt_index_name where id = 78700;), so I'm guessing PHPStorm is running a query running in the background.
Has anyone got it to work with the standard mySQL driver or even with another driver?
I know I've used PHPStorm here, but AFAIK, the database element of the app is standard in the IDE?
There is no Sphinx support in the Database subsystem of our products at the moment. Using JDBC drivers may not work correctly.
Related: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-2598#focus=streamItem-27-2260725.0-0.