Unable to run scala worksheet Permanently deleted user 创建于 2019年06月24日 17:47 anyone seen this before? I can run Scala objects fine but worksheets don't evaluate. I googled and spent quite a bit of time but don't see anyone encountering below error.
Preferences > Languages.. > Scala > Worksheet > [x] Run in compiler process
I have the same ? scala worksheet error issue, I get internal error: null
no matter the input to the sheet..
#IU 191.7479.19
Internal error: null
. . . .
rob r
help would be welcome! :-)
I have the same problem but on Mac OS "Error:source file '/Applications/IntelliJ IDEA.app/Contents/bin' could not be found"
thanks GOD!
Lickteig Joshua
it worked perfectly. you saved my 2 hours of googling man. LOL!!
Awesome, great to know it worked for you - Joshua
Inside Scala Compiler Server , I just removed the VM options and apply the setting and it worked for me.