I Confirm that I have read and accept the terms of this User Agreement.

I have just reinstalled my mac and thought that I would use "Toolbox" to install my Jetbrains products, but some how I have ended up in a state where I am asked to confirm the "JETBRAINS USER AGREEMENT" every time I start either GoLand or IntelliJ Idea.

I have tried removing fx. "~/Library/Preferences/GoLand2019.1" which results in a "clean slate" but the thing with the User Agreement persists :( 

Any ideas?


Hi. What is your IDE version? Can you share the IDE logs with me? If they could contain any information that you do not want to share publically, please open an issue in our tracker, we can control a visibility there.



Michael, does Toolbox App ask to accept User Agreement as well? Could you please send Toolbox App logs (сlick the metal nut icon on the right-hand side of the Toolbox App | Show Log file) to toolbox-support at jetbrains.com?


Please make sure ~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.java.util.prefs.plist has correct permissions. Try deleting this file so that it's created again with the correct permissions the next time you accept the license agreement.


Sorry for the delay, 

I think the problem started, as I was forced to rename my home-dir. But I have had no time to research further, I had stuff that needed to be done, so deleted my user (had just created it anyway) .. and started installing stuff again.

I had no issues the 2nd time around.

