Cannot find declaration to go to (solved)


File -> settings -> Project Interpreter -> show all > + system interpreter
File -> settings -> Project structure -> cancel all checked and set only root as a source
File -> invalidate caches
must ok
by Jesse Stone


It didn't work for me 


Same for me: not working whereas everything was fine (without any parameter update by the way) in previous versions of PyCharm


@Raphael Minato does it help if you invalidate caches? (File | Invalidate chache..)? If not, please file a bug at with the issue details.


I also see the message "Cannot find declaration to go to" and all suggested solutions do not work.


Maxim Yushin Please contact support at with the sample to reproduce and the logs (Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data).


In my case the problem was the next: for some reasons *.py files were registered as a text files, not python ones. After I changed it, code completion started to work again.

To change file type go Preferences -> Editor -> File types


Working in Unity/C#.

Did an update this morning to 2022.3.3, once upgraded & restarted, PC too, I got a pop up about invalidate caches, my typically colorful code was very blah looking, nothing was highlighting correctly, so I took the suggestion and restarted. 


Opened Rider again and same, I could not F12, jump to my methods, Rider was saying "could not find declaration". 

I looked that up and and got here. 

Followed the File -> invalidate caches and that didn't work.

Eventually, what worked for me, and not sure this is completely logically, but did work so this is why I'm posting: I usually have 6-12 code windows opened, so I closed each one, then closed Rider, relaunched Rider from within Unity and finally saw all my code highlighted in the correct way and was able to start working again!  [Definitely a bit freaked out!!]


Hey, I'm working with RubyMine under Windows 11's WSL2 (Ubuntu 22.04) and I'm using rbenv as a ruby version manager. I also had the problem with cannot find declaration to go to which I resolved by adding Ruby version as an wsl2 interpreter and synchronize gems and RubyMine helper files - Settings > Language and Frameworks > Ruby SDK and Gems, then add rbenv's Ruby e.g. \\wsl$\Ubuntu-22.04/home/<User>/.rbenv/versions/3.1.3/bin/ruby and after that hit ctrl+r or the red download arrow next to the list.  Hopefully it will be of some use for future same-problem-having users :)


In my case the “.php” file extension was associated with the text content type. Adding “*.php” to “file name patterns” under “Settings → File Types → PHP” has fixed it for me.

