inline statistics showing 0ms for any test run/test steps in intellij community 2019.2
While running tests, inline statistics showing 0ms for any test run/test steps in intellij community 2019.2, whereas the overall execution time is displayed.
Do I need to modify any settings?
Is it possible to have a sample project to check? Please also provide idea.log (Help | Show Log in ... action) file after IDE restart and reproducing.
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Andrey Dernov I have the same issue. Here is my idea.log file: Upload id: 2024_12_10_ePQ7dw8b2GmEohB3DXnKLn (file: idea.log)
Actually, is even worse. I don't get a total time at all:
As for reproduction, is as easy as creating a simple vitest setup and running some tests (you can add some manual delay in them)
Please update the IDE and try again.
I can confirm it works now