Unit Test Configuration - CodeSign failed


Appcode: 2019.3
Xcode: 10.3
macOS: 10.14.6

I have an Xcode project with a UnitTests target. It builds and works fine there. In Appcode I created a new configuration following these instructions. Building in that configuration I get the following error

Sign /Users/grodriguez/Library/Caches/AppCode2019.3/DerivedData/Dash-bgegslmujntuszcsotohqrukwsmj/Build/Products/Debug/Dash.app
Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code

In Xcode DashTests target, signing is checked to Automatically manage signing (same as the Dash target which runs in Appcode just fine).

Is there something I'm missing here, or something I should do differently? I've tried changing the singing settings in Xcode but got no results. I also looked through all the options in the configuration and didn't see anything about signing.



Could you please try to run created test configuration in Xcode?

There should be no difference in terms of signing the app in AppCode and Xcode. If it isn't, feel free to create the issue in our tracker. Please attach full build logs after cleaning in both Xcode and AppCode and screenshot of the signing setting for app and test targets from Xcode.

So, the plot thickens. It's now building, and I can run tests but I didn't do anything to clear it up. Yet every once in a while I will get this error again. Next time it happens, I'll be sure to collect the build logs with screenshots of it building and not building, and send it through the issue tracker.



> Could you please try to run created test configuration in Xcode?


I can build on both xcode and appcode. Tests only run on appcode.

Also getting the error:



Command CodeSign failed with a nonzero exit code



Any suggestions on what to try before I have to raise an issue and upload logs?

Permanently deleted user

Hi, it might help to do clean rebuild and check that issue persists.

You can do so from Xcode and AppCode as well to compare results, because AppCode builds project in the same way as Xcode does. In AppCode it is Run > Clean Build Folder. Also it might be helpful to look at the build log to get some insights to the problem.

If after clean rebuild issue persists in AppCode but not reproducible after clear rebuild in Xcode, we'd appreciate if you create a ticket in the tracker with logs attached (add #com.jetbrains.cidr.xcode to `Help > Diagnostic Tools > Debug Log Settings` and reproduce issue, logs could be collected under `Help > Show Logs in Finder`). If that's possible, please also provide us with steps to reproduce or ideally clean project with this issue.

