New Java SDK instal error - can not resolve symbol String
Hi, I have installed new Java SDK and it starts to make a problems. I am on Win 10 64bit. Environment variables are ok but InteliJ IDEA cant resolve many symbols. Like on the picture. Everything red is not resolved. What should I do to fix it. I cant find any settings for it.
Please make sure you've configured the Java SDK in IntelliJ IDEA and selected it for your project/modules.
See .
I found it. But it is not under Project but under Project structure.
Same error here. Reconfigured Java SDK, Project SDK and Modules SDK, didn't resolve
IntelliJ 2021.2.2
Rafael Please try File | Invalidate Caches | Invalidate and Restart.
IntelliJ IDEA: "cannot resolve symbol" for String, System and other Java classes - Stack Overflow
Same error Serge Baranov
Try deleting the System directory: when the IDE is not running. If the issue persists, please file a bug at with the logs attached via Help | Collect Logs and Diagnostic Data.
Worked when downloading and using a new IBM Semeru OpenJDK
In our servers, and for development, we use jdk-8-IBM (currently jdk-8-IBM- -
Maybe the error has something to do with downloading indexes (or indexing) this JDK
Deleting the System cahce directory didn´t work
Thanks Serge Baranov