Not sure what to do on OS keymap shortcut conflicts

I noticed a new warning in Event Log: "Shortcuts conflicts
Extend Selection and 11 more shortcut conflict with macOS shortcuts. Modify these shortcuts or change macOS system settings."

I click Modify Shortcuts and get this window:

I have the options at the bottom Set DEFAULT, Accept Left Side, and Shrink Selection... however, I'm not seeing what the "Left Side" is nor what exactly these options will do. I'm afraid of clicking any of them at the moment.


"Accept left side" is an option for the Diff Merge window, to be specific:

As for the warning itself, it just warns you that some of the PhpStorm default shortcuts may have the same key combos as default MacOS system shortcuts do.


I have the same issue



I have the same issue, did someone find a solution?



It's fixed for IDE version 2020.3 only, unfortunately:


Just installed a fresh copy PhpStorm on a new MacBook I was issued at work and surprised to see that out of the box it has keyboard shortcut conflicts that need to be resolved. Seems rather silly to me. Are they keymaps not made for macos?


There are just a couple of hotkeys that are incorrectly marked as conflicting:

Other than that - there shouldn't be any issues.

