bad option: '-target:jvm-11'
I'm currently using Intellij IDEA Ultimate EAP (Build #IU-201.5616.10, Runtime version: 11.0.6+8-b722.15 x86_64) to write mixed scala + java code and building it with Gradle (see configuration on screenshot).
Version of gradle in is 5.6.4, Java version is 11.0.6, Scala version is 2.12.10
I'm constantly getting:
Error:scalac: 'jvm-11' is not a valid choice for '-target'
Error:scalac: bad option: '-target:jvm-11'
How can I fix it?
try to remove option "-target:XXX" from "Build, Execution, Deployment" -> "Scala compiler" -> "Additional compiler options" - leave it simply blank. Be sure to check all configuration variants.
Unfortunately, after reimporting gradle project, the option is resetted back but meanwhile the compilation should works.
> Unfortunately, after reimporting gradle project, the option is resetted back
The same crap when trying to run unit test in the module totally written in Kotlin (!)