Using Intellij for Android, I still receive INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES after APK and Bundle signing?


My Problem:

I'm still receiving the INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES error after creating the necessary keystore, key and signing my application. This error initially occurred after updating the minSdkVersion version to 24 for needed functionality, but it still occurs after completing the resolution (see links below).


What I have done:

I have followed the wizard procedures (see links below) for creating a signed release of my app currently in development, creating the keystore, key, password, signing the app, etc, etc.This is preventing me from continuing with development with respect to running the app while developing.

These are the How To links to signing Android apps APK/Bundles in Intellij IDEA that I have followed. - Steps 1 and 2 specific to signing your app.


My setup:

Intellij IDEA 2019.3.3 (fully updated)
Android Studio plugin updated
Windows 10 Pro
64 bit
16GB Ram

Permanently deleted user

I think I solved my problem. My emulator device version was not compatible. Once I setup a new emulator device meeting the minimum version, the app began to install successfully.

