Rubymine "Automatic Upload" does not sync unversioned files
Using RubyMine 2019.3 on Windows 10 v1909. I have enabled the "Automatic Upload (on explicit save)" option:
This feature only works with local changes in the "Default Changelist". Changes in the "Unversioned files" are not automatically synced with the remote host.
Steps to reproduce:
- Set up a deployment configuration
- Enable "Automatic Upload (on explicit save)"
- Create a new file and make some changes.
Expected behaviour:
- the newly created file is uploaded and kept in sync with the remote version.
Actual behaviour:
- the newly created file is not uploaded and is not kept in sync with the remote version.
Just in case someone else has the same issue, please check whether the option Settings | Deployment | Options | Skip external changes is enabled or disabled. In case it's enabled please try disabling it.
Thancks for info, it usefull for me