change default package name
When I create a directory in a project, say my-awesome-directory, goland automatically generate first line for me:
package my-awesome-directory
And every time after that I have to rename it to
package myAwesomeDirectory
How to chage this default style?
To achieve this, please perform the following steps:
1. Open "Preferences | Editor | File and Code Templates"
2. Select "Go File" in "Files" tab.
3. Replace the template text with the following:
#set($my_name = ${StringUtils.removeAndHump(${GO_PACKAGE_NAME}, "_")})
#set($my_name = $my_name.substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + $my_name.substring(1))
package $my_name
4. Apply the changes.
For more information, please see:
It works! Thank you