Version control local changes tab missing in 2020.1
I recently formatted my computer and installed a fresh Ubuntu 20.04, then used snapcraft to install CLion 2020.1. I am unable to find the local changes tab in the Git view. I've searched everywhere in the Git tab, and the View -> Tool Windows. The Search Everywhere feature has a "Local Changes" but it's really just the commit window. Has the original Local Changes been removed from the Git tab?
Also, I've validated that CLion is pointing to the git application (/usr/bin/git), and tests successfully.
Thank GOD we can change to the old flow. Imo this should really be reverted back to the old style version control tab.
Honestly, in the end I grew to like this new tab. I was skeptical at first but gave it a try. It fits nicely in my layout right below the project tab on left side of my IDE. I can see my changes all the time, review them and commit faster. Depends on your layout that you are used to of course.
Martin Cernik how did you get the changed files view in the new non-modal interface? Because the absence of it was what made me revert to the old layout.
Gasper Vrhovsek I just moved it like this..
Thanks Martin Cernik! I'll try it out.
the new experience is not good please return the old experience I already wasted so much time on this.
@Martin Cernik can you have the commit view compare to origin/master its currently only comparing to the local master.
@Martin Cernik how did you move it?
If it's not clear already, I will add my two cents. The removal of that tab and the drastic change to the established critical workflow was a horrible decision.
Dearest friends,
I call upon all of us, myself included, to ping back to this issue every 2 weeks until it is resolved.
Not one person I've encountered since may is a fan of this change.
Some say this change is the worst thing to happen in 2020, and that is saying something!
Worst change to the product line ever, having all products for long time now. Simply hate it when i spend 2 hours thinking i'm either blind or stupid and then find out you changed the best version control to something blurry as all the competitors. Simply hate it. please revert.
What on earth have you done JetBrains? This is just plain awful. I've been using Idea for 13 years and now I can barely work my way around without pulling out my hair. For the first time in my career I am seriously considering changing my IDE.
My vote is to revert these changes. Now I have to "commit" to see changes?
+1. Don't see the "improvement" on this change. Don't just change things like that guys. Had to come over here looking for a solution. Valuable time lost.
This is a terrible change. Please change it back by default. Unchecking "Use non-modal commit interface" does revert it to the previous functionality. Specifically, the "Local Changes" being seen in the git window.
Please put local change view back....
Please change it back to the old behavior (this means that "Use non-modal commit interface" should be unchecked by default).
Seeing local changes was and still is my most used feature within the "Git-tab".
For me, the commit-dialog is not enough to see local changes, because I want to see and edit local changes before making a commit.
I'm glad they left a BC type of setting and thank whoever for that because I'd have likely left for greener pastures -- this feature is that important to me -- and that's not something I want to do since I really like Jetbrains products otherwise. But one of the most frustrating issues for me has been with the fact that, regardless of if you've enabled or disabled this "use non-modal..." setting, it's not fully BC in that the old preview diff window that used to live next to local changed files has been moved to the editor regardless of this setting. That is at least the case in Rider where I'm more active at the moment but I've noticed the same behavior in other Jetbrains IDEs too. I can only assume that like many Jetbrains features, this is the same in all of their IDEs.
Jetbrains IDEs sometimes have tabs in the editor window besides code and that's perfectly understandable since where else would things go other than the main editor window -- their DataGrip product is a perfect example of this being totally fine. Preview diffs, on the other hand, living in the editor is absolutely the most distracting change I've had to deal with through all of this because preview diffs are displaying code. Now I cannot maintain focus of code in the editor and then quickly preview local changes before a commit or just quickly see what's been changed without the preview diff opening up in the editor and changing both my brain's and IDE's focus of my code in the editor. This is especially bad if I have split windows open (often do) since they look exactly like diff windows so I often cannot tell if I'm looking at a diff or looking at code, let alone the fact that my brain's now entirely lost focus of my code. I have had to just disable preview diffs altogether, a feature which was hugely taken for granted. Moving them to the editor was an awful UI/UX decision from where I sit. And now I just have to constantly open up the separate diff window, even for simple and quick checks of what's changed which is just distracting to the focus I used to be able to maintain on my code while quickly previewing diffs of local changes in a window right next to the changed files.
Lost two hours after reinstalling windows trying to figure out why IDE doesn't pickup my local changes (restaring, cleaning caches, reimporting project, etc). Finally found this article.
Ignoring arguable usability of the new flow, this is definetely breaking change that should be communicated ahead, so people like me won't spend their working time on things like this after complete reinstall of ide/windows/changing working computer.
Ну херню же сделали! Верните как было !
Same here, I tried to get used to the commit dialog for a few months but that does not do the trick. I used the diff view in the tab to review the changes / history and then manage my versioning in the terminal.
I just decided to fall back to the non-modal mode just to have the diff view next to the changelist but it's far from ideal.
Adding my votes to a revert.
Perhaps the default setting for "Use non-modal commit interface" should be off rather than on to avoid alienating loyal users.
+1 local changes is one of the most useful tabs on JetBrains suit! Please bring it back :)
Yeah, awful UX change and should certainly not have been have made as a default feature. It should have been eased in. The saying in the industry regarding users and UX and "users not knowing what they want" has far less applicability, if any, to IDEs and their developers. I feel more attached to my IDE as a software product than anything else, and changes this large, especially this specific case of VCS, if they must be done for whatever reason should be done with care. The feature should've been advertised with the ability to turn it on rather than: 1. it being forced on, 2. Many frustrated developers seeing everything that changed, and then realizing it can be disabled. Bad move by Jetbrains I don't mind disabling it as long as the BC feature is never dropped.
Unfortunately for me and other Rider users, it's even worse because there's inconsistent behavior between VCS in the IDEs. I assumed incorrectly previously that the VCS system in all IDEs would be relatively he same, if not exactly the same (I'd imagine I suppose, if involving Git). Turns out that in Rider they're not for whatever reason. I cannot get Preview Diffs back to where they used to be, and i've written about that already, filed a bug, but the only reason I'm writing now is because I'm wondering if anybody has a setting that I might be missing for that. It's very odd that in CLion, Pycharm, IntelliJ, etc, preview diffs have not moved. I still get preview diffs next to my locally changed files in them which I need more than is realized, for quicker development when working with repos a lot, just for quick spot checking without obstruction of what I'm holding about my code and don't have to change my code view. But instead, preview diffs now very oddly, open in the editor, as a feature in Rider. Please help below.
Please support the related Rider issue very easily by just upvoting a filed issue. I made it simple with images to show the new "feature" of preview diffs existing in the editor regardless of "Use non-modal..." setting Just go to the 3rd attached picture of this issue and keep viewing each image to the right to see how preview diffs are now in Rider regardless of the "Use non-modal..." option. If you don't like this then please upvote that issue so it gets attention!
I really liked the way it was. I am going to downgrade my intellij version.
Intellij is probably the greatest IDE in the world. And the best of it was the git integration. Why in the world would someone change that, if you already got perfect git integration.... It's not that good anymore. Luckily we can restore the old one...
I took some time to understand how to revert to the old behavior: *unchecking* "use non-modal commit interface" in Preferences >Version Control > Commit does restore the Local Changes tab in the Version Control (Git) Pane.
All that helps others, I did not understand from other comments.
It is the most stupid change in Webstorm. Please don't kill my IDE!!!
Please fire the person who made this decision and return previous default view for the Git tab.
Look how much people come here. Just count how much people cancelled subscription because you removed the most useful interface in IDE! I was to close to cancelling, but decided to find the way to return 'local changes' tab back.