Occasional lag while typing
I would like to start with the fact that I have searched some posts and solutions, including modifying vmoptions, config inspection options, and re-installation, none of them worked out for me.
I have the latest Macbook Pro, so hardware limitations should be a problem for me neither.
My IDE has been working perfectly and smoothly for me until last week, after installing Git and Jetbrain toolbox, the occasional lag started showing up, like whenever you hit the tab button, the screen freezes for a second or two until the word shows up. I don't have proof that these have anything to do with the lag, but I have never experienced laggy typing before. It is not such a big deal, but can be extremely annoying when everything has been working perfectly until it kicked in.
So could you help me with this if you ever had someone running into a similar issue, this has been so frustrating for me lately, thanks in advance!
As a general troubleshooting step, I'd disable custom plugins.
In case lag is still here, it is needed to inspect logs. Please share the complete logs folder compressed including ThreadDump directory, after reproducing a problem. You can upload it here: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206869619-Uploading-Large-Files-for-JetBrains-Support-Team
I have the same problem on a MacBook Pro with 2,4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9 and 32 GB of RAM, I noticed that the problem is not there when I connect an external (Full HD) monitor and close the MacBook monitor, I have no plugins installed and I have increased the heap size to 3 GB.
@Kumaitm please follow https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JBR-526
Plugging into something was not exactly my issue, mine was this: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JBR-2475#focus=streamItem-27-4181537.0-0, and it fixed it perfectly, give it a try if you are still stuck, good luck.
still the case, when typing there is lag
Hello, jasurn. As I see, this issue is still open. Could you please check if switching the Displays have separate Spaces option in macOS 13.2 Settings > Desktop & Dock helps?
Olga Mulina Hello, It is turned on, I use a Macbook pro M1 and an external display Dell 4k, connected with HDMI to Thunderbolt cable.
jasurn, thank you for the update. Could you please also check the workaround and notes mentioned in the issue description?
Olga Mulina Thank you, I have tried all the tips by “Guillaume Quittet”, and it seems it helped, let me use IDE for a couple of days and see the results.
I'm glad you found a workaround that helps you; please, let me know about the result.
This problem has unfortunately always been an issue with Intellij. Since many years now I've tried to move back from VS Code to Webstorm because there are many things I like better with WebStorm. But in the end it all comes down to the fact that WebStorm is too slow. It's just a fraction of a second we're talking about, but if you write with some speed, it's between half to a whole letter behind. It's frustrating. Then try to delete text and it's even more obvious with it's jittery and slightly laggy behaviour.
It's 2024 and I'm on version 2024.1.3. I have again paid for a yearly subscription with the hopes this problem was finally fixed, but it isn't. Even navigating the settings gives that tiny feeling of a laggy UX. To work smoothly you need VS Code, which is free. It feels a bit odd since one would assume a paid product would outperform the free one. At least in terms of UX.
When comes to the reason why people are having this problem, Jetbrains always tend to fall back to blaming installed plugins. Sure it affects the performance, but it should mainly affect startup time and surely not the operative performance to the degree that you get a laggy coding experience. There are lots of plugins for Intellij and it's funny how it's recommended not to use them. I've stripped down my plugin use to a minimum and even deactivated bundled ones I don't use. I've thrown 8GB of memory at it and made sure I exclude all files I don't need to index. I've done this for years. It never works.
Jetbrains, something has to finally be done here, you're losing out selling an amazing product simply because of overlooking the basics. When you've prioritised the performance of your products, let me know and I'll be back because if it wasn't for the poor speed, your products are definitely worth paying for. But for now and once again I need to prioritise speed. Until next time.
Hello Jimmy,
Could you please create new issue on YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEA attaching logs folder zipped (https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/207241085-Locating-IDE-log-files) after facing the issue for investigation?
There might be different reasons, so deep investigation is needed.
Thanks Yaroslav, I'll do this, but I'd like to point out that this is a core problem you've had since always and we all know it. It won't help much that I put time into helping you debug something that Jetbrains over the years have shown is not a priority.
I think you understand that during the years you've collected enough data to have sorted this out by now. However, It's always been about excelling in capabilities for Jetbrains. UX has never gotten much love until the new UI got out and nothing so far indicates that the importance of speed has yet gotten onto your roadmap. So I suggest you ask yourself what you as a company need to do instead of continuing to ask your customers to spend time debugging and finding workarounds for a flawed product.
I understand your point. Actually, we permanently working on performance issues. Sometimes changes in environment (OS updates, plugins, etc.) causes issues that looks like old ones, but actually have different roots.
We are sorry that not all cases are solved/fixed instantly and you have such experience working with IDE.
Thanks for your quick reply Yaroslav. It's not a requirement from my side that everything should be solved instantly, not at all. I do expect however, that problems aren't becoming permanent like a chronic disease. In the end a clunky UX has become synonymous with Jetbrains. It's bad for you and for us customers, which is a pity because I think so many more developers would be happy to pay a subscription to get all the good things that come with WebStorm and other Intellij products. If only they could come with that butter smooth UX that VS Code does.
Jimmy Nordbeck thank you for your feedback. We understand that performance is extremely important for our users. You can find an overview of has been done recently and our nearest plans in this stream. Performance is one of our main priorities for the upcoming 2024.2 release - and we'll continue working on it further.