What's the process to have a new plugin bundled with Intellij Community release



As part of the https://github.com/MicroShed group on GitHub who's working on tools around Java MicroProfile spec, we've developed the MicroProfile Starter Intellij plugin last year. Now we want to see how we can introduce it as a bundled plugin in the Intellij Community edition. Should it be a PR for Intellij Community project on Github or it requires a review and approval from JetBrains? I could not find any resources or a thread in this forum describing the process.


Ehsan (on bahalf of the MicroProfile Community)


Support for frameworks such as MicroProfile is part of the functionality of IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. You're welcome to build plugins to provide alternative or additional support for such frameworks, and to publish them on our marketplace, but at this time we have no plans to bundle any such plugins with IntelliJ Community Edition.

