CLion unnecessary forced line wrap in console output
I want to print a long line but Clion forcefully wraps my output. I even tried to go to setting to change line wrap of code but it works only for code. In console, I have tried to enable/disable Soft-wrap, but it seems no working.
I habitually try to print long lines in pycharm and intellij idea without any line-wrap. Clion behaves strange.
On what OS do you use CLion? What toolchain do you use?
I see the same thing:
In CLion, on Linux, in the Terminal view.
alieuall in case of Terminal please try disabling "Use soft wraps in console" in File | Settings | Editor | General | Console.
No change.
alieuall please create an issue in the IntelliJ platform's tracker:
I have the same issue on IDEA 2021.1.3 on Windows and git bash as terminal
debugger links have unwanted line-breaks
Same issue CLion 2021.2.3.
Still broken in CLion 2023.2.2
found a solution on stackoverflow:
opt out value of
run.processes.with.pty in Clion's "Registry..."