Rider - Extract method not showing options
I'm using Rider for Unreal and whenever I try to extract a function (Refactor -> Extract -> Extract method) in the menu that pops up, I can't specify the method visibility, or even other things, like making it virtual or static. Looking at official documentation here https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Refactorings__Extract_Method.html it seems that those options should be there, but all I get is this:
How come that they are not visible to me?
The referred page describes Extract Method for C# since it's the documentation for non-preview Rider without C++ and Unreal Engine support. UE-specific documentation will be available in the next build.
We have a feature request about method visibility: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSCPP-21594, you're welcome to vote and comment.