Performance Differences With Editions



I need to buy my favourite coding software and I wonder which editions are my best bet.

So, I'm thinking about Idea but since I had performance issues (slow editing/ hangs) with PHPStorm where I had to turn off plugins and checks I question if it's not better to go with PHPStorm (+WebStorm) as I don't code Java right now.

I mainly code React/Node right now with a little PHP and have the frontend/backend projects separated. That means, most of the time I would be good with WebStorm.

My considaration also is: I go for Idea as there are chances that I'll code other languages, too, but if I have usually 3 Projects open with Idea where I have performance issues I would more likely have the smallest possible IDE configuration for each certain project.

Is it possible to set program arguments for Idea where I turn on/off certain plugins for each required language?


Get the All Products pack. I'm quite happy with it. If you go the individual developer route it's a reasonable price as well.


Hello Sebastian,

>Is it possible to set program arguments for Idea where I turn on/off certain plugins for each required language?

Check out the solution suggested in this discussion (from this comment down).

You can also vote for IDEA-230227 ("Allow plugins to be project defined").


Multiple installations sounds good.

Thank you!

