where is JETBRAINS IDE SUPPORT chrome extension... it cant be found anywhere now on the internet

where is JETBRAINS IDE SUPPORT chrome extension... it cant be found anywhere now on the internet


The Chrome extension was removed from the store intentionally and we have no plans to bring it back.
The extension is not required for debugging since v. 2017.3; in the past couple of years, we were not recommending using it.
With Chrome 86 (released on October 6, 2020) and higher, the extension no longer works properly and we at JetBrains have no intention to update the extension to work with the new Chrome versions.
WebStorm 2020.3 removed the option to use the extension for debugging from the IDE Preferences.


Thank you Elena for quick response

So has this debugging option been substituted for a better one?

Can you elaborate on how we would debug using the IDE now without the extension?

Or is this a termination of IDE debugging altogether and we have to find a new debugger and no alternative?

What do former IDE Support Extension users do now to debug like we se to with the extension?

JetBrains IDE is better than vscode

What cant they fix this? unless there is a new substitute?

if there is a new substitute where are the docs?

I need to KNOW something here I relied on that for professional consulting for years

dont let vscode  and chrome take over

WEBStorm is better


Is there documentation on HOW to debug within the IDE without the extension?

I dont want chrome devtools

I want JetBrains IDE debugger stepping thru my typescript


>Is there documentation on HOW to debug within the IDE without the extension?

Sure - https://www.jetbrains.com/help/webstorm/debugging-javascript-in-chrome.html; debugging without extension is there since v 2017.3, enabled by default. Since 2020.3, it's the only option


Trying to attach debugger on a project based on Preact, The editor produces an extra tabs similar to the recently edited code, and browser is slow to update changes or not at all from changed code in WebStorm any hints on what to do ?


FWIW: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/angular.html#angular_running_and_debugging_debug is the replacement I was looking for. There's a generated Angular Application in your run/debug configurations when you add the angular facet. It's not correct to debug the Angular CLI Server.

Permanently deleted user

Elena Pogorelova my application runs as exploded war in tomcat. During JavaScript debugging, I have to set breakpoints in 'target' dir, which is very inconvenient. Is there a way to somehow point intellij to 'src' dir so that I can set breakpoints in source ?  Somehow I was able to set my breakpoints in source while I was using chrome plugin. 


Not sure how it can be related to extension... normally sourcemaps are used to map original files to the ones used in runtime; if the files don't change (no transpiling/beautifying/etc.), you can try using URL mappings in Javascript Debug run configuration to map server URL to src folder

Permanently deleted user

Elena Pogorelova Your suggestion to map source to URL solved the problem

Thank you!

