"over-indenting" of Blade directives on reformat


In a blade.php file I have an instance of

@if (condition)

But hitting the Reformat Code command, PHPStorm insists on formatting this so that each blade directive gets increasingly indented.

I've tried all sorts of combinations of tab/indenting settings (of which there seem to be thousands), and tried resetting them to the default, too. Nothing works. What do I have to do to gain control over this formatting and stop PHPStorm from "over-indenting" (is that even a word?) Blade directives?



How would you like it to be indented?


Thanks! That's a known problem: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-26903. Please vote for it or comment it with your example in order to  increase its priority & to get notified about its updates. 


Thanks. Dmitry Tronin. I suppose one could call it "long known and apparently forgotten/ignored problem".


Yeah, that's not a prioritized task atm.

