Cannot find builtin plugin JavaScriptLanguage
Our plugin build fails for EAP with:
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':codota:testRuntimeClasspath'.
> A problem occurred configuring project ':java'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':java:testRuntimeClasspath'.
> A problem occurred configuring project ':common'.
> Cannot find builtin plugin JavaScriptLanguage for IDE: /Users/shaia/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.jetbrains.intellij.idea/ideaIU/LATEST-EAP-SNAPSHOT/c6b538d339ff53c81e89cc770f72504b1cd31c7e/ideaIU-LATEST-EAP-SNAPSHOT
Was this plugin moved or renamed?
I also have this problem when I use new version IU-212.3116-EAP-CANDIDATE-SNAPSHOT.
### Prompt not found JavaScriptLanguage
1. Add `<depends>JavaScript</depends>` in the plugin configuration file `:/META-INF/plugin.xml`

2. Add the plugin `JavaScript` in `build.gradle.kts`
3. Add the local jar package in _SDK| IntelliJ IDEA IU_
Hi Rxliuli
I already have an optional dependency on javascript in my plugin.xml.
In my gradle,properties file I have:
I tried changing 'JavaScriptLanguage' into 'JavaScript' but then it failed on account of not finding a JavaScript plugin.
This works fine when building with 2021.1 and also worked fine with latest EAP until recently (not sure exactly when this stopped working).
Maybe you can take a look here:
That sounds related but I'm not sure what to make of it.
People in the JB dev slack channel seem to suggest to just not build with EAP for now:
why the temporarily remove this javascript? when they will fix it before publish official 2021.2?
It is not removed, it cannot be resolved in current 2021.2 EAP builds by our tooling due to internal/packaging changes.
Is it means the JavaScriptLanguage plugin will be available in 2021.2 GA release?
Simon Jiang Yes, it is a temporary problem we'll solve ASAP.
I wanted to ask if the problem is fixed by now. Because i get the same error message regarding JavaScriptLangauge plugin and i wanted to check if this error is new or the already known one.
Daniel Alexander Haak it should be fixed as indicated, otherwise please post link to your plugin sources
My build.gradle has following configuration:
and as soon as i try to build i get the following error:
Cannot find builtin plugin JavaScriptLanguage for IDE: path/ideaIU-2021.2.2
The information is not complete. What version of gradle-intellij plugin are you using?
i am using Gradle plugin 211.7628.21
I mean the gradle-intellij-plugin defined in your build file.
This is my entire build.gradle file
As indicated in the link I gave previously, this is fixed in 1.1.x version, but you're still using very outdated 0.7.3
Hi Yann Cebron :
[update] : issue solved when I switch type(IC) -> type(IU) , cause the IC do not have the buildin-plugin JavaScript
My IDEA version is IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.3 (Ultimate Edition), I also meet this issue :
Cannot find builtin plugin 'JavaScript' for IDE: ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.jetbrains.intellij.idea/ideaIC/2021.2/b0727ceddea2b62b16825db9308e14a470198e7f/ideaIC-2021.2
the step how to recurrence the issue:
step 1:
Use Idea's [new project], and new a plugin project
step 2:
<depends>JavaScript</depends> in plugin.xml
step 3:
plugins.set(listOf("JavaScript")) in build.gradle.ktx
and this issue happen.....
Cannot find builtin plugin 'JavaScript' for IDE: ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.jetbrains.intellij.idea/ideaIC/2021.2/b0727ceddea2b62b16825db9308e14a470198e7f/ideaIC-2021.2
Any Solution? I just want to develop a JavaScript plugin
Edit: the solution for me was to use `JavaScript` instead of `JavaScriptLanguange`, I think.
Hi, I'm getting this issue also with newer versions of gradle-intellij-plugin, using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. What am I doing wrong here? Here is the code:
This is the error:
Please follow the guide and use plugin ID determined as per
Thanks you for the advice and the link. The documentation here says `JavaScriptLanguage`, is it outdated?
t4lz Thanks a lot for catching this, fixed.