.env file support missing on 2021.2
I just updated my IDE to 2021.2 version and the support for .env files has gone in my run configurations. Looking for plugins I try to install and receive an error. When I try to run the older version, all my "Run", "Debug"... controls are gone. I'm stuck at work because of this.
That's why I pay 1% of my sallary every month to jetbrains, for me download and build a plugin manually. Seems nice!
This thread has 10 years: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-5543 and we still don't have .env files support native on the IDE.
Please see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-270963#focus=Comments-27-5056928.0-0. Plug-in needs to be fixed.
You can install the fixed snapshot plug-in build from https://github.com/ashald/EnvFile/issues/140#issuecomment-883210881. Use the install from disk option.
Part of your payment is for getting support within minutes, other vendors would take weeks to respond even for the basic problems.