Any way to cause code to be highlighted for focus?
It would help me find my place in the code I'm working on as I scroll about, and help me maintain my focus on it, if I could mark some code and have it be highlighted in some way, either in the code itself or in the gutter. As I'm imagining it, you could mark it with a simple comment like this:
//// <= that causes the following function to be highlighted in some way
fn method_I_am_writing() {
// blah
Or if you put it inside a function, then it might highlight up to the next blank line:
fn method_I_am_writing() {
// This gets highlighted
let x += 1; // and this
// but not this
Is there any IntelliJ plugin or feature that can highlight text in some way like this?
Hi Nicholas,
Don't think we have context-aware highlighting support like this out of the box, but the Ctrl+M shortcut (Ctrl+L on macOS; corresponds to the action called "Scroll to Center") will quickly take you to wherever your caret currently is in the code.
You can also assign a different shortcut to it under File | Settings | Keymap:
Another option is to highlight certain lines manually using Bookmarks (F11 to toggle a bookmark on Windows). If you customize the color scheme for your bookmarks, you can e.g. have the whole line's background changed to a specific color when you hit F11.
You can also browse for custom UI theming plugins on Marketplace, like e.g. Material Theme UI. They may have some settings related to this.
Those are helpful suggestions, Arina; thanks. I'll try them out.
Do you know enough about the plugin API to know whether it would be relatively straightforward to do what I suggested? It would have to be able to recognize some special comment, to know whether the comment precedes a function definition, to look forward through lines for a blank line or the end of a function, and to set highlighting for a range of lines. Or something like that. If it were a relatively easy kill, I might look into it as something to do in my non-existent spare time.
Happy to help Nicholas.
Check out the IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK guide for details on how to use the plugin API: