what kind of TextFieldWithAutoCompletion can select method ?
hello ,I need a TextFieldWithAutoCompletion to select method, By the way how to create "ctrl o" dialog in my plug
You can collect the method items to display (and e.g. filter out specific methods) and then pass these items to TextFieldWithAutoCompletion.
I'm just doing what you said,But I found a bug,When I create a TextFieldwithAutoCompletion in DomFileEditor, my ClassNameReferenceEditor will not work, and the java editor and XML editor will always be in the analysis state
Please check idea.log for errors.
I didn't find some useful information. I'm such a rookie,Press Ctrl + enter can restore,I do not know why,Something may not have been initialized ,oh my god,It has taken me several days.
some warnings, on errors
Please help
Please share full plugin sources
Sorry, I don't know your email address,so I make a demo to show this problem . if "default.debugcase" open first,other editor will always be in the analysis state
Please upload sources to https://uploads.services.jetbrains.com/ and specify filename here
Upload id: 2021_09_16_MHkBBfebEW2jcm2d (file: demo form1795944309.zip)
sdk: IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition IC-202.8194.7
GapsDebugCaseDomElementComponent doesn't seem to be in sync of how it should be used.
Implement custom com.intellij.util.xml.ui.EditorTextFieldControl using TextFieldWithAutoCompletion as underlying component. You can use com.intellij.util.xml.ui.PsiClassControl as reference
Please note that DOM UI is no longer maintained.
Thanks a lot,we use StartUpManager to solve,I have a new problem. How do I set the callback for “Enter select”
register com.intellij.codeInsight.lookup.LookupListener via LookupManagerListener.TOPIC project level bus, handle itemSelected() make sure to filter handling only for your custom UI/items
hi Yann, I have a new problem. There was a problem with the EditorTextField when the theme changed
Use com.intellij.ide.ui.LafManagerListener to subscribe to Look&Feel Changes and redraw/update UI if necessary