Setting up debugging with XDebug 3 and WSL2
Tried the steps mentioned in this post and post. However, debugging continues to fail due to the following error:
Connection was not established. Cannot start debugger session with 'Xdebug 3.0.4'
XDebug Config:
This is a portion of the command executed by PHPStorm when debugging:
Unsure as to why the remote_host is passed as
php -dxdebug.remote_enable=1 -dxdebug.remote_mode=req -dxdebug.remote_port=9000 -dxdebug.remote_host= "-d xdebug.remote_host=" "-d xdebug.client_host=" "-d xdebug.remote_port=9000" -dxdebug.client_port=9000
And this is a portion of the command executed by PHPStorm when running a script/test:
php "-d xdebug.remote_host=" "-d xdebug.client_host=" "-d xdebug.remote_port=9000" -dxdebug.client_port=9000
In this case PHPStorm does not automatically pass as remote_host's value and only the values setup in the XDebug options in IDE are passed.
Had uninstalled anti-virus and also disabled the firewall. However, debugging connection fails. Strangely nothing is written to xdebug logs.
System Info
PHPStorm Version: PhpStorm 2020.2.4
Build #PS-202.8194.11, built on November 25, 2020
Licensed to Nikhil Ranka
You have a perpetual fallback license for this version
Subscription is active until May 4, 2022
Runtime version: 11.0.9+11-b944.49 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10 10.0
Would be great if you could help in setting this up.
First of all, you're running an old IDE version: 2020.2.4. A series of fixes were released since then both aiming at XDebug 3 & WSL configuration so I would suggest testing this on latest IDE version.
Next, please check if debugging works with "phone" button toggled to "listen":
Also: is your IDE installed on the Windows host or inside WSL?
Ok, Dmitry Tronin thought so. Will update the IDE. Kept myself from updating because most features that I wanted were working as expected. Also noticed that in recent updates some required features were breaking.
- The phone button is toggled to Listen.
- Using on WIndows. Any benefits to using the IDE on WSL? Would want to be able to run projects on both Windows and WSL.
Updated the IDE to the latest version 2021.2.2. The debugging now works. Had to additionally set the settings here:
Had not found this in the documentation. Probably my oversight or documentation does not have it.
When the internet is turned off it stops working. Can you suggest a workaround for the same?
Dmitry Tronin Any insights on the above?
1) We don't have WSL-specific instructions for XDebug yet, unfortunately. The options you set in the Interpreter Configuration options could as well be set in a php.ini. Didn't that work for you initially?
2) Regarding the broken debug after turning off the internet. Looks like a firewall issue. Try granting PhpStorm an access at Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Defender Firewall\Allowed apps
Dmitry Tronin
- PhpStorm is an allowed app. Despite that debugging fails when there is no internet connectivity.
- When connecting to a VPN from Windows, XDebug fails.
Command executed when turned VPN Off:
Command executed when turned VPN On:
XDebug Logs:
The `idekey` appears different, but I am not changing that anywhere. Had also replaced this IP with the VPN's IP in both xdebug config and IDE, it did not help. IDE Restart after change also did not help.
System Info
PhpStorm 2021.2.2
Build #PS-212.5284.49, built on September 16, 2021
Licensed to Nikhil Ranka
Subscription is active until xx 3, 20xx.
Runtime version: 11.0.12+7-b1504.28 amd64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
Windows 10 10.0
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1951M
Cores: 8
Registry: run.processes.with.pty=TRUE,, ide.balloon.shadow.size=0
Non-Bundled Plugins: (212.4746.57), String Manipulation (, net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv (2.17.1), com.intellij.ideolog (, dev.meanmail.plugin.nginx-intellij-plugin (2021.2-212), nl.deschepers.laraveltinker (2.2.1), ru.adelf.idea.dotenv (2021.3.0.212)
Can you help resolve the above two issues?
Looking forward to your response.
Random IDEKEY doesn't really affect the behavior in that case.
Regarding the failed connection: are you able to telnet from inside the WSL to your host? You can run telnet on any listening port on your machine, e.g. 22 or 80. To find what ports are listening on your machine you can run netstat -nba | find "LISTEN" in cmd run as administrator.
Resulting command would look like telnet 80
Dmitry Tronin
Thanks for the detailed steps.
Output of netstat
Output extract from ipconfig command on Windows
Here's how the debugging experience is when using the different IPs.
When using the IP under 'Ethernet adapter vEthernet (WSL)' (shown after connecting to WSL - changes everytime computer restarts)
When using the IP under 'Ethernet adapter Ethernet' (IP remains the same)
When using the IP under 'Unknown adapter' (shown in ipconfig after connecting to VPN)
Important note:
Since the suggested telnet command was not working, while debugging landed on this link. Post implementing the suggestion here, the telnet command started working - connection to windows was successful.
Looks like something fundamental is being missed here. Ideally, with a developer-friendly, well developed IDE like PHPStorm there should be a way to debug apps running in WSL2, irrespective of the internet connection status and VPN usage.
Would be great if you can help me implement the same.
1) what solution exactly did you apply? The one about the firewall?
2) Isn't - a result of grep -m 1 nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'? Btw, here's the same article from MS:
3) What's the XDebug version you're using right now? What are the xdebug.remote_host or xdebug.client_host values right now?
Here are the details:
Output extract from ipconfig command on Windows
Can you recheck my previous comment for more details on how using different IPs change the debugging experience?Let me know if any additional info is required.
Dmitry Tronin
Honestly, I don't see how this is a PhpStorm issue at all: it's a pure networking problem that can't be addressed from inside IDE.
Here's a quick test to confirm/deny this: download Xdebug dbgpClient (search for "Command Line Debug Client" links) & launch it. Then turn on VPN & check if your WSL app can connect to it.
I've also just tested this on my end: turning on/off VPN connection doesn't affect WSL debugging here:
There must be something specific to your environment causing this. E.g. what VPN software you're using?
Might something generic like
Dmitry Tronin
With VPN turned on/off, after starting the dbgpClient in Windows Powershell(PS) and initiating the script from WSL2, there was nothing printed in the Powershell. However, when initiating the debug session from PHPStorm it was working as expected. Turning on the VPN leads to issues though.
Q1. Any ideas on how to get the dbgpClient in Windows PS to receive the connections from WSL2?
Thanks for testing and verifying. Yet to get it working with the VPN on and internet off.
Using AlgoVPN setup by the IT admin on an AWS server.
Looks like something fundamental is being missed here. Ideally, with a developer-friendly, well developed IDE like PHPStorm there should be a way to debug apps running in WSL2, irrespective of the internet connection status and VPN usage.
Q2. Curious to know if you are able to get debugging working irrespective of internet connection status or VPN being on or off - what were the exact steps used? Any links from PHPStorm documentation?
How exactly did you launch the script? Probably debug session wasn't initiated or xdebug parameters were incorrect. This depends on your XDebug configuration. You can share the output of php -i | grep xdebug launched inside WSL here or elsewhere just to doulbecheck your xdebug settings. If essential settings are incorrect or "start_with_request" isn't enabled - then it's expected that debugging session isn't triggering.
Alternatively you can launch your script passing the arguments via cmd, see Note that you would need to replace the arguments with corresponding values for your environment.
As for AlgoVPN & AWS: just to confirm - are we talking about local debugging where both IDE & WSL running on the same machine?
> well developed IDE like PHPStorm there should be a way to debug apps running in WSL2, irrespective of the internet connection status and VPN usage.
Sorry, as advised, that's a pure OS networking problem - IDE can't affect the way things work there.
> Curious to know if you are able to get debugging working irrespective of internet connection status or VPN being on or off
Checked again, debugging WSL app with VPN on & internet off still works:
You can also do this: run in CMD (run as Administrator): netstat -nba | find "LISTEN". Find a port that your localhost is listening on.
Then reproduce the environment when debugging doesn't work (internet off, right?), and try to telnet <IP returned by grep -m 1 nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}'> <port from a previous step> from inside the WSL disitrib.
Dmitry Tronin
Will experiment with the setup as advised above.
However, can you share the steps taken at all levels - PHPStorm, WSL2, Windows 10/11, on your end to get the debugging working? This would help in recognizing what was missed during setup - assuming that debugging works on your end irrespective of the internet's/VPN's connection status.
Sure. First of all, xdebug settings for my WSL distro:
Debugging a web app works by simply opening a corresponding webpage. localhost/wordpress in my case:
Debugging a PHP Script differs a bit, you need to create a PHP | Server config for the WSL distro, or alternatively enable Settings (Preferences on macOS) | PHP | Debug | Break at first line in PHP scripts. I've created a config called wsl2localhost & enabled path mappings:
Then I've exported a "PHP_IDE_CONFIG" env variable for IDE to understand what config should it use:
Without it IDE would complain like this:
Thanks, Dmitry Tronin for the detailed response. Got engaged in other activities. The steps you mentioned worked - irrespective of the internet/VPN connection.
Wanted clarity on a couple of items:
1. On every restart the IP of WSL2 changes. Wrote a temporary bash script to update the IP in XDebug. Any other approaches to handle this?
2. For the first debug attempt after a restart the following error is thrown. Any ideas on resolving this?
PS: Having this on the documentation website would certainly help many others.
1. Not that I know of, sorry.
2. Can't advise about that one by just looking at the screenshot. I would need to check IDE + XDebug logs for that. You can send them over to me using Help | Contact Support.
The info about setting up XDebug in WSL2 is being updated in our docs right now.
XDebug Logs:
From the IP in the logs, looks like PHPStorm caches the config and attempts to connect with the old WSL IP.
ipconfig output on Windows:
`hostname -I` output on WSL2:
Looks like recaching the config would resolve this issue.
Would it help if you refresh the PHP interpreter info in IDE? See
Will attempt this Dmitry Tronin. After the first failure post restart, an option to reload the config (not the same wordings as shown) appears. On opting for that, debugging works.
So, looking for ways on how to prevent the first error. Do you not notice something similar on your device?
Does grep -m 1 nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | awk '{print $2}' return different address after every PC restart? This is not something I observe on my end.
The only issue I've faced is the one described here: - hope it would get addressed soon.
Yes, the IP address changed after every PC restart. Most likely this is because of the way WSL operates.
Relevant portion of output of ipconfig from powershell is the IP address. Some resources suggest config changes to ensure the IP does not change. Yet to test a solution. However, not experimenting now because of its potential to break existing working features. You are probably running a different version of Windows, or have some config change that prevents this. Would be interesting to know what it is.
Dmitry Tronin Any insights here?
Sorry, can't advise on this yet. You can submit this issue (IDE passing outdated IP address during WSL CLI debugging) to our tracker at for it to not get lost
Very interresting thread, I got the same problem but I think it's a network problem between Windows Host and WSL2 when VPN is up (from my side I use Anyconnect and it's work with full tunnel).
I open an issue here:
Maybe it will help your problem...
Thanks Jocelyn Tonnelier for sharing the link. The problem of not being able to connect to the internet was resolved after I changed the VPN from WireGuard to OpenVPN.
And using the recent suggestions by Dmitry Tronin, configured PHPStorm such that debugging will work irrespective of the internet connection.
Dmitry Tronin
Sure, will file an issue when time permits. Curious if you also face the same issue and did you manage to resolve it?
No, I don't have this problem here for some reason.
That's surprising Dmitry Tronin. Did the attached logs point toward something?
Hoping that enhancements to both the IDE and documentation are made sooner than later wrt working with WSL2