Looking for old Jupyter experience in PyCharm2021.3




I upgraded to PyCharm 2021.3 yesterday. I'm wondering whether there is a way to configure it to see Jupyter notebooks with code and results side by side as in previous versions rather than in the new single sequential way? Please help.


We decided to redesign our Jupyter Notebooks support from scratch due to a large number of users who prefer to have the outputs below the corresponding cells instead of the split-view and various technical issues with the old implementation. See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-23843


The old side-by-side configuration was much better-- if I wanted it inline, I would just use JupyterLab.  I'm glad you finally fixed how the notebook is rendered so that Altair, Bokeh, etc. can be displayed within the notebook.  But I write big notebooks.  When I have 2000 lines of code, I don't want the lines renumbered in each cell.  When I do a "replace all", I want it to replace throughout the notebook, not just in the current cell.  How do I reset the outputs when I want to start over?  

You know what would be useful, give you an edge in the marketplace?  Have the option to commit just the text from the old code pane (both the python/R and markdown) to git, without all the useless json and execution output.  THEN one could actually use git the way it is meant to be used, so you could do a diff and see what changed between versions.  As it is, what gets committed is bloated and can't be diffed-- nearly useless. 

But no, you made it more like JupyterLab.  Congrats!  I will be exploring other options for running Jupyter, and revert to the old version in the meantime...





I totally agree with @Mwrowe

The old layout was much more practical, especially if you have bigger cells with lots of content. Also, the left side bar is a waste of space and on a laptop really makes a (bad) difference!

Please: Is there a way to return to the old layout? Or do I need to downgrade to an older version of Pycharm? 



When I do a "replace all", I want it to replace throughout the notebook, not just in the current cell.  How do I reset the outputs when I want to start over?  

The Replace All functionality should work not only in the current cell but in the entire notebook. If it's not the case for you, please raise a bug report, ideally with a screenshot and steps to reproduce.

You know what would be useful, give you an edge in the marketplace?  Have the option to commit just the text from the old code pane (both the python/R and markdown) to git, without all the useless json and execution output. 

So you know PyCharm's support for Jupyter notebooks comes from DataSpell. However, some of DataSpell features might get to PyChar, with a delay. For example, DataSpell already supports Git Diff for Jupyter notebooks. I'd suggest that you give a try to DataSpell and let's know if you like it.

Also, I think it makes to provide an easily discoverable action that would allow you to convert the selected notebook to a Python script. Would that fix your problem?

But no, you made it more like JupyterLab.  Congrats!  I will be exploring other options for running Jupyter, and revert to the old version in the meantime...

Apart from the habit, what are the most critical exact issues that stop you from using the new Jupyter notebook support?

Thank you! Really appreciate your help.



The old layout was much more practical, especially if you have bigger cells with lots of content.

Could you please describe in a bit more detail what exactly is the problem?

Also, the left side bar is a waste of space and on a laptop really makes a (bad) difference!

Which side bar do you mean? I suppose the new Jupyter notebook support doesn't have sidebars (unlike the previous support).

Thank you! Really appreciate your help.


I also prefer the original side by side layout. Guess I have to rollback to the 2020.03 version.

To answer your question, @Andrey Cheptsov

Statement: Also, the left side bar is a waste of space and on a laptop really makes a (bad) difference!

Q: Could you please describe in a bit more detail what exactly is the problem?

A: This is a waste of space


I´m Agree with @..., Mwrowe, and rainergo. Also in this new version there is no option for "Clear",  all outputs", "Toggle" and "Toggle Scrolling" for "All outputs". It is true that in some scenarios this new view will be great, but in others it is not desirable. The best will be that we can choose the one we want ;) 


Hey everyone, you can return to old view with a change in Registry of Jupyer new view, as pointed here:https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4411696571026-Code-split-preview-view-for-Notebook-gone- 

Nevertheless I cant find Clear all outputs.




This seems a duplicate with https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4411696571026-Code-split-preview-view-for-Notebook-gone- 

I also much prefer the old split view version. Everyone has different coding habits, I think it would be great if you could leave the option for the user to choose. Is this something you plan to do in the future?

Many thanks for your great tool anyway!

