Is it possibale to do git stash using changelist ?


I have master and tmp1 branch.

Now I'm in tmp1, made changes in table.ts file, and want to checkout to master branch to make some modifications in another file.

I run git stash push, checkout to master, do work, return to tmp1 , run git stash pop and continue work.


Is it possible to do this work using changelist ?

I create a new change list "stash1", move table.ts to "stash1" change list, and try to checkout master.

But webstorm say - that I have uncommitted table.ts


Hello Gayratvlasov

You can follow this part of our user guide:

So you can move changes to a separate changelist, then right click on a changelist and choose "Shelve" 
And then Unshelve them on a desired branch.
Otherwise you can go to Git | Uncommited Changes | Stash changes.

