Cell output and plot background colors in DataSpell notebook


[Topic is Pycharm because that seems to be the closest to Dataspell]


I am using dataspell for my jupyter notebook work, and I prefer the color scheme in darkmode. However, I would like my plots to have white backgrounds. Changing the settings through matplotlib does not seem to work. I've searched everywhere in preferences to change the color of the cell output background color and the plot colors, but cannot find what I'm looking for. Can someone please point me in the right direction?


Does disabling Invert image outputs for dark themes in Settings/Preferences | Jupyter help?


Yes, thank you! That fixed the plot issue. Do you know how to make the entire cell outputs a lighter color?


Yes, if PyCharm allows making the entire cell outputs a lighter color it would be great.


Oh thank you so much! This was driving me crazy! I spent hours trying to understand why "python" and matplotlib was displaying a [0, 0, 0] as white... 

