How to disable those highlights in Rider?


Hi Sm2659

To disable this highlighting, set off the `Highlight on Caret Movement => Matched brace` setting in `File | Settings | Editor | Code Editing`

I hope this helps! 


To disable automatic highlighting, clear the Highlight usages of element at caret checkbox on the Editor | Code Editing page of the IDE settings Ctrl+Alt+S . It is also disabled in the Power Save Mode (File | Power Save Mode).

Uims Cuchd



Hello Alexandra Guk,

I manged to disable the brackets highlight using your solution, but I also want to hide this indent highlight (but not the indent itself)


Hi Sm2659

Go to File -> Settings -> Editor -> Color & Fonts -> General and change the 'Background' value of the 'Indent guide selected' property to a color matching the editor background (or disable it altogether).

