I'm looking for some help on shared indexing!
Hi Team,
I have around 400 maven projects which are internal to the company, more than half of them are required for each of the developers daily. I want to understand how Intellij would do shared indexing for common/open source maven projects I wanted to replicate the same thing in the company. We have a very sophisticated CI/CD for each project to build jar, I want to incorporate the indexing system into that CI/CD pipeline. I need more help with this.
Hello and thank you for your question.
I would like to specify few things if you do not mind.
Please let me know if it is required to build indexes for maven libraries source code or for jar-artifacts?
Where you would like to store built shared indexes? Currently it might be required to store indexes on file server for building storage layout to be able to upload indexes to S3 or similar storages.
Thank you.
Hi Sam,
Thank you very much for your response.
I want to gradually build it for source code but first I would like to reduce the indexing time. We do have support for Outlook cloud storage to store files. Also, Nexus stores proprietary/internal jars/source code. we can use either of them if needed.
In this scenario feel free to follow the steps described here:
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi Sam,
How do I automate the procedure to run in the Jenkins?
I want to understand if the Project in the following context refers to a "Maven project" or project in the IntelliJ. I tried importing the project in the intelliJ and then exporting, it by referring to the Intellij project. Am I doing it right way.
Hello Balaraj,
This approach is correct to index a project source code with all its dependencies.
To index jar artifacts please use example below:
Unfortunately we can't assist on Jenkins automation.
Hi Sam,
I did not find the following command in the document you have provided.
It would be more helpful if you provide some documents related to this.
Hi @...,
Can you give me clear documentation where I can only index the jar file.
Thanks In advance.
Hello Balaraj,
All the rest of command syntax stays the same except "project" should be replaced with "maven". So it should look like this:
Also "project-dir" should be Maven or Gradle project containing library which is being indexed.
We are not ready yet to publish separate guide to dump indexes for jar artifacts since it is pretty rare-case scenario and can mislead our customers.