Missing Plugins in Code with Me Session
When connected to a code with me session not all the plugins are available? I'm coding in Elixir and would greatly prefer to install the Elixir plugin for syntax highlighting but it is not available during the code with me session?
Code with me (no elixir plugin upon search):
IntelliJ (shows up fine):
Required for a Host: the latest IntelliJ IDEA version, the Code With Me enabled plugin.
In IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 and later, the Code With Me plugin is enabled by default and doesn't require manual installation. In earlier versions, starting from IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2.1, the Code With Me plugin downloaded and enabled.
Required for a Guest: an invitation link created by a host.
For the isolated on-premises server setup, refer to the Code With Me Enterprise help. www.crediblebh.com