Loading coverage suite files from a plugin
We're building a plugin related to Java testing and we rely a lot on running/compilling tests in the background, outside of IntelliJ's task system or anything else. We're using jacoco agents to generate coverage reports for the tests, however we cannot find a good way to load the reports without running jacococli and manually parsing a csv/html/xml report. Is there a convenient way to load a `jacoco.exec` data file directly into the IDE? This is the same action as the user going to Run -> Show Coverage Data and selecting a coverage suite, but automated. Alternatively, could you direct us to any source code/documentation for parsing jacoco reports? The classes given by jacoco don't make immediate sense. https://www.jacoco.org/jacoco/trunk/doc/api/org/jacoco/core/data/ExecutionDataStore.html
You can check how IDE loads the report here: `com.intellij.coverage.JaCoCoCoverageRunner#loadExecutionData`. But the documentation on jacoco library should be rather found on their site, it's not the reference implementation for sure
Thank you very much for pointing me to the source code I was looking for! Is there a way to use the logic in this class directly from the context to a plugin? i.e. To load a jacoco coverage report from the context of a plugin, for example on some user action.The direction of extension kind of confuses me.
you can `com.intellij.coverage.CoverageDataManager#addExternalCoverageSuite` and then set the suite to the same manager.
Extending my thanks, this solution works. Here's what I scrapped together for future reference.
Hi, Lyuben Todorov!
I also encountered the same problem as you. I need to map the jacoco exec file I ran to the IDE.
I don't know if you have implemented this function? If it is implemented, can you give me a reference?