Intellij idea community edition with Spring boot?
How I see it works ok, do I miss something that can offer ultimate against community edition?
It's possible to open project, but you could't create new projects in Community Edition. Also all features for Spring projects are supported in Ultimate only:
It seems like Intellij Community edition v2022.1.3. supports running Springboot aplication.
Is there a recent change in list of Spring features supported in community vs ultimate edition ?
No, see
Spring Boot apps can run as normal Java Application or via Gradle/Maven which is supported in all IDE versions. IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate has the specific Spring Boot Run configuration which is not available in the Community edition.
That means netbeans is still king for us middle class developers.
We have developed free Spring Explyt plugin, which provides all Spring related functionality for IDEA Community Edition. So, you can create and work on Spring Boot project right in Community Edition.