how to add internal nexus repo?


I am using IntelliJ IDEA for developing Python project, the company has some internal packages published in internal nexus repo. I am able to install the package from command line, and works well. The issue is that the IDE editor analysis shows it can't find that package when I open the requirements.txt. Is it possible to add the internal repo so the IDE can recognize it? 


The requirements.txt analysis is done by the third-party requirements plugin.

I believe this is the issue you're talking about --

Is it a Maven project? For Maven projects, repositories need to be specified in the pom.xml. For more information, refer to Maven documentation.

The list of added Maven repositories in IntelliJ IDEA can be viewed and managed under Settings/Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Maven | Repositories.


It is not a Maven project so no pom.xml. It is just a Python project.

