error running installers.cmd: log file not found
I am getting an error running installers.cmd on the idea/222.4167.29 sources:
FATAL: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /Volumes/A/MyIDEA/out/idea-ce/temp/builtinModules/system/log/idea.log
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.translateToIOException(
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixException.rethrowAsIOException(
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixCopyFile.copy(
at java.base/sun.nio.fs.UnixFileSystemProvider.copy(
at java.base/java.nio.file.Files.copy(
at OpenSourceCommunityInstallersBuildTarget.main(OpenSourceCommunityInstallersBuildTarget.kt:15)
The system subdirectory does not exist.
Indeed, the build requirements are currently not documented properly, sorry for the problems. We're going to fix the build script and add missing doc.
Could you please try against 223-EAP? Does it still reproduce? Could you also please provide the full log output from 222.* attempts that fail. Thanks.
Here is the log output:
What is the easiest way to test against 223-EAP in a new repo?
Could you please check that project is fully built? I see a strange error "Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.intellij.util.lang.PathClassLoader"
I do not understand what you mean by "fully built". I am running the script whose purpose is to build IDEA and it fails.
Are you saying that I have to build IDEA using IDEA before I can run the build script? That has not been the case in the past and it would be a step in the wrong direction, in my opinion.
I've upgraded to the 2022.2.3 release. I get the same error.
As a test, I copied the repo and tried building from IDEA.
That got an error:
It seems you're trying to build 223 with Java 11 `Zulu11.50+19-CA` but you must use Java 17
Which release of Java 17 do you recommend?
OpenJDK 17 and 18 fails with:
Also, I hope will be updated or has been updated.
Same error in corretto-17.
I'm confused there was some stacktrace indicating you tried to build 2022.3 sources.
It seems this error was present at some point, could you please check these steps:
Please check your “User-local build process VM options”in Preferences | Build, Execution and Deployment | Compiler and make sure groovy options are enabled.then it’s possible to use a separate “User-local build process heap size” field for that.
- If you don’t override shared VM options, then nothing to worry about.
- If you override shared VM options only with
,- If you do have some custom stuff there, then copy&paste groovy options from “Shared build process VM options” as well, please.
I am trying to build the 2022.2.3 sources in two ways.
1) from the command line, which fails as described in the stack trace, and which may no longer be supported?
2) from IDEA, which also fails with a JDK error message.
I tried following the above advice to use Java 17 instead of 11. It did not solve the problem building under IDEA, and it totally failed building from script:
I removed the custom build VM options as you suggested and went back to using corretto-11, and the build under IDEA completed. Thank you for that suggestion.
Unfortunately, after building under IDEA, the installers.cmd script still fails:
Please try
That is what I have been doing.
Might be a bug in installer scripts w/r to running on macOS. Could you try if it works for you if you run it in Linux/Win VM on your machine?
Sorry, but that is not in my skill set.
2nd try, please apply this patch locally
How would I do that?
The patch hopefully fixes issue in community/platform/build-scripts/groovy/org/jetbrains/intellij/build/impl/MacDmgBuilder.groovy build script, so your setup would work on mac. Just apply it to your checked out sources of IJ repository.
How do I apply the patch?
Copy text to clipboard, then invoke VCS | Apply Patch from Clipboard from the main menu.
OK, I applied the patch and updated the build in IDEA.
The script makes a lot more progress, but still crashes.
Please install 7z on your system and add it to PATH
brew install p7zip
Success! Thank you for your assistance.
I had to adjust my Little Snitch rules to avoid dialogs. There are some very short network timeouts related to downloading broken plugins.
In the past, I have been able to build IDEA without running IDEA interactively. Previous advice in this conversation implied that this is no longer possible. Is that correct? I would think Jetbrains would need an automated build capability.
Although I am able to run the script from Terminal, it is failing when I try to run it in a shell from Java. Any ideas?