Missing checkboxes in Commit sidebar 😱
Update: New UI issue only
What happened here? The checkboxes in the commit sidebar are suddenly gone, so I'm unable to select anything.
I tried to restart PHPStorm, restart my computer, everything. Argh!
Any suggestions?? 😔
Well, guess what, I just tried to enable the new UI again, and today the issue is gone.
I have plugins but no custom fonts. And this worked since I installed the upgrade - until that day.
Anyways - never mind 😁
Oh dear, the problem also exists in other dialogs.
Could this be an OS issue? Running Ventura 13.1 ...
Can't reproduce that on PhpStorm 2022.3 + new UI:
Do you have anything non-default in appearance configuration like custom fonts or even plugins?
In any way, I am happy to hear that things work fine now, thank you for the update.
Have a wonderful holidays time!
A minor update here: I'm actually still running PHPStorm without the new UI enabled. Even though I want to.
Every time I enable it, it works for some time - then the issue with "invisible checkboxes" returns.
Thanks for sharing. Do you have automatic Light/Dark theme switch (in the IDE and macOS)?
Daniil - yes
May I ask you to try out the EAP version of PhpStorm? Does it work in the same way?
Hmm, I get this. Isn't the EAP version enabled to Apple Silicon support?
Did you download Apple Silicon version?
Sorry, my bad. Running it now - and will let you know, if I see the same issue.