Goland 2022.3+ crash on linux when running or debugging anything
Goland version: 2022.3 and 2022.3.1
Debian with: go version go1.19.4 linux/amd64
This simple program:
package main
func main() {}
Right-clicking on `main` and choosing run (or debug) crashes GoLand.
Things I've tried:
- re-installing GoLand from scratch
- removing the `.idea/` folder from my project and restarting GoLand
- setting `dlv.path` in custom properties (because initially I thought this only affected debugging)
No problems on the mac, but working on a laptop is annoying. Please help, GoLand worked fine for me before 2022.3 on Linux.
Please see: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-300226/IDE-exits-with-129-exit-code-on-KDE-Plasma-KDEAPPLICATIONSASSERVICE1-when-run-configuration-stops#focus=Comments-27-6424051.0-0
Does it help? You can also try to run GoLand from CLI to see if it helps.
Thank you! This does work for me.
FWIW, I am not using KDE. I am on fluxbox and have been launching GoLand through the fluxbox menu (which resulted in crashes). I just tried starting GoLand by launching it from the cli and I am able to run and debug without crashes even without the change mentioned in the linked ticket.
Please add your configuration details to the ticket so we can test it on a similar setup when the fix will be available.
I've also been having this issue. I'm on 2022.3.2, ArchLinux, sway 1.8.1 (wayland based), runtime: 19.0.2+7 amd64 OpenJDK. I am using the licensed version. It appears that goland is running in xwayland.
Running goland from the CLI fixes the issue and I'm able to run tests.
I also have version GO-223.8836.56, built on March 22, 2023. I'm using arch linux with i3 wm.
Launcher for Goland like this:
Fix from link https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-300226/IDE-exits-with-129-exit-code-on-Linux-when-running-debugging-run-configuration-run-configuration-stops-or-building-project#focus=Comments-27-6424051.0-0 does work for me.
Just remove exec from you bin/goland.sh script.